The Green Rider

Who is Eloch, the Green Rider in The Lost Wizard of Oz?

In 1860, the Pony Express was the fastest way to get mail across the American west to and from California. Tough young men rode hard through dangerous and unforgiving territory to keep the east and west connected. They had the best horses and riders anywhere.

In the Lost Wizard of Oz, Brannagh, the Queen of the Dark Heart, has her own team of horsemen called the Green Riders. Their mission is to carry her messages throughout her vast empire. The best and most trusted of these is Eloch.

Privileges and Perils of the Green Riders

The Green Riders hold a position of great authority throughout the Dark Queen’s realm. No one is allowed to hinder their journey, as their mission is a direct extension of the queen’s will. In addition, they can commandeer horses, food, and whatever else they need at any time they need it.

Despite these privileges, the Green Riders are not immune to danger. The Queen has many enemies, some of whom would not hesitate to kill the riders in order to disrupt her communications.

Worse, the Queen herself can be a threat. Just being in her presence can be dangerous as she is given to venomous fits of anger over the smallest trifles. The riders often face harsh judgment or even death from the queen or her officials if they displease them in some way or fail in their duties.

The Green Riders’ Code

The best way to protect themselves from the capricious judgments of the Queen is to adhere to a strict code that underscores their loyalty, and the high stakes involved in their role as the Queen’s messengers.

The code is summarized in the oath they take when entering the Queen’s service: “I would sooner lose my right arm than fail in my duty to the Queen.” This oath is more than just a cliché. The messages they carry are always strapped to their right arms, bound in leather. The Green Riders know that if they fail in some way, their right arm had better be missing. Even that might not save them from the Queen’s wrath.

Eloch, the Green Rider in the Story

At one point in The Lost Wizard of Oz, Eloch is dispatched to take a message of bad news to the Queen. To make matters worse, he knows he will have to deliver the message well before dawn while she is still asleep. He toys with the idea of delaying his arrival until after she has risen and breakfasted but decides to honor his oath instead. He will accept whatever consequences come from his honorable actions.

Later in the story, Eloch briefly encounters Glinda and her body guard, Strigand. He warns them of the Queen’s impending arrival. Apparently, he owes Strigand a favor from a previous encounter. Eloch pays his honorable debts.

Meaning Behind the Green Rider

Eloch symbolizes the need to do one’s duty even within a corrupt system. He must navigate the political and personal dangers within the queen’s realm. However, that does not mean he is without a conscience. He is no supporter of the Queen, and he occasionally will follow his own path as long as it does not interfere with the strict guidelines of his oath. He is torn in two directions. Eventually, he will have to choose a side.

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