Strigand and Nightflyer in “Lost Wizard of Oz”

In The Lost Wizard of Oz, Glinda needs the services of a tracker to help her find the missing Wizard. Strigand, the best tracker in the Land of Oz can only be contacted through the wicked Mombi, an evil sorceress who lives in the northern sector of Oz, the territory of the Gillikins.

After driving a hard bargain with Glinda, Mombi calls Strigand, the bounty hunter, who immediately arrives on the scene as though he had been expecting the call.

First impressions

Glinda’s first impression of him is not favorable. He is a rough looking man with a scraggly beard. He could use a shave, she thinks. He carries no visible weapons but strikes her as dangerous, nonetheless. As it turns out, Strigand is far more dangerous than she imagines, but dangerous does not mean evil. Glinda may need this deadly ally to face a dangerous enemy.

As their journey begins, Strigand summons his partner, Nightflyer, an enormous owl. Glinda is struck by the deep and personal partnership between the two. It is almost as if they share each other’s thoughts. She is closer to the truth than she knows.

The two are tightly linked. So tightly, in fact, that the bounty hunter goes by the name of “Strigand Nightflyer.” If he ever had a normal last name, it has long since been forgotten.

The Warrior Protector of Oz

As the warrior protector of Oz, Strigand guards the realm against the many dark forces that threaten it. His combat prowess allows him to confront formidable foes, including trolls and other dangerous creatures.

In The Lost Wizard of Oz, Strigand is a formidable warrior, hunter, and protector. He risks his life again and again to protect Glinda and help her fulfill her quest. As it turns out, Strigand has a long and hidden history of service to Oz.

The Gnomes are terrified of him, though no Gnome has ever seen him, at least no living Gnome. Strigand bears a terrible grudge against them. It seems the only one who hates the Gnomes more than Strigand is Nightflyer. Has this got something to do with the ancient Gnome Wars with Oz?

Over the years, Strigand has become the subject of whispered legends among the Gnomes. They see him as a vengeful half-man, half-owl demigod bent on their destruction. Strigand uses this fear to his advantage.

Strigand’s Mysterious Past and Upbringing

Like everything about Strigand, his upbringing is steeped in mystery. After his mother’s tragic death, he is raised by a mysterious tree creature named Root. This peculiar upbringing connects him deeply to the magical elements of Oz, filling him with a sense of purpose and destiny that finds its fulfillment in service to the Land in general and to Glinda, in particular.

A Little Romance?

One of the problems with the original Oz books is that there is no man worthy of Glinda. She is intelligent, brave, beautiful, and committed to the protection of Oz. In The Lost Wizard of Oz, she remains as she always was in Mr. Baum’s books, but she feels the burden of loneliness. I introduce Strigand Nightflyer as a possible suitor. There is obviously an attraction. However, Strigand and Nightflyer are integrated characters, depending on one another and supporting one another. Glinda’s intrusion into their relationship creates a certain tension.

Will love conquer all, or will Glinda’s and Strigand’s sense of duty rule the day?

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